About Us
We’re a group of seasoned Writers & Counsellors with years of experience in various specialisms. We give back to the society what we received from the society as a way of building an egalitarian global community where moral decay will gradually become a thing of the past.

Our Mission
To publish e-books and good quality but affordable paperback books mainly base on true-life-stories and provide a wide range of counseling services.

What We Do
Our books are packed with moral lessons for people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. With our books and through the services of our seasoned Counsellors, Trainers and other Specialists, lifes are shaped for good. People who need and/or require counselling services will be attended to free-of-charge. Our books expose simple tips which bring about the ‘Push needed by rascally individuals without bias to mend their ways for good. We’re looking forward to sharing your testimonies with you. Welcome to our on-line community!
Our Team

Alwell Chikwe Boms